When a tough, reliable mounting system is required without adding substantial weight, the Nightforce Ultralite™ Unimount™/Magmount™ is the answer. It features a CNC machined 7075-T6 hard anodized aluminum body and titanium beta series crossbolts and jaws.

This unique design and construction provides the performance of steel at half the weight.


The Nightforce Unimount™/Magmount™ is designed to remain attached to the scope at all times, allowing quick removal and installation on different firearms.


Unimounts™ and Magmounts™ are available for 30 and 34mm riflescopes, and feature a 20 MOA taper (Magmounts are also available with a zero degree taper). The Unimount™/Magmount™ is the ultimate mount for attaching to weapons with an integral Mil. Std. 1913 flat top-type receiver.


Precise tolerances ensure that the riflescope is not subjected to stress, strain, or bending as the ring screws are tightened.


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